We’re Engaged!!! and Tea at Cliveden

A couple of weekends ago, Charles innocently suggested that we go and have a casual stroll around the gardens at Cliveden House. This being probably one of my most favourite places in the world, coupled with the fact that it was sunny, I jumped at the idea! Little did I know what he had up his sleeve…

When we got there he said he would pop inside and ask if they had a spot available for tea. I know Charles and he is a planner, he’s not an ‘on a whim’ sort of guy. I didn’t think much of it and let him has his moment while I stood outside taking in the splendour which is Cliveden House.

Triumphantly he came back out and said they just happened to have a spot available later in the afternoon and that we would go for a walk around the grounds until then. As I said it was a warm sunny day and there were lots of families lying around on the grass soaking up the sun.

After a while we found a quite spot sans screaming children and Charles decided that we HAD to walk through a field of daffodils, he handed me a letter which he had written last year and, without going into too much detail – I will spare you the mushy stuff, once I had finished reading it I saw him reach into his pocket (Slow Mo), pull out a black ring box and get down on one knee…

I of course said yes!!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world knowing that  get to spend the rest of my life with the greatest guy in the world.

I’m sure you’re all like ugh get to the food part already…

We walked back into Cliveden House, past Emily Blunt I later realised but I was too much in a daze to notice, and were seated at a little table in big wing backed chairs.

We went for the classic afternoon tea, which consisted of scones, mini cakes and finger sandwiches.

All delicious and washed down with a gorgeous bottle of Tattinger 2006.

The staff were all very friendly and helpful and were on standby should you want a refill of any food or tea (at no extra cost!).

We went home in a little bubble of perfect bliss and am sure will be back to Cliveden where we can relive the perfect day that we had.