Crustless Quiche


I’ve been on a bit of a health kick this month but I sometimes feel stuck when trying to come up with exciting new recipes which are healthy and tasty so that Charles will enjoy the meals as well.

Sometimes I tweak his portions so that they are more enjoyable without making him suffer while I try and be healthy.

Last night I made a crustless quiche, it was my first time making this but it came out really tasty and would definitely recommend trying this out if you’re looking for a lighter option for dinner.

Check out the instructions below if you want to give it a try.


1 medium onion

2 cloves garlic

1 green pepper

5 rashers bacon

A good handful of spinach

5 eggs

60ml milk

Grated cheddar, as much as you like

Fresh Thyme



Fry the onions in a little olive oil until soft. Next add the green pepper, which I chopped into cubes, until just cooked but still crunchy.

Add the bacon and garlic and fry until cooked. Next add the thyme, I used a few sprigs, this gave it a lovely fresh taste.

I laid everything in a pie dish to cool slightly, while I whisked the eggs and milk, I then topped this with the spinach and cheese. Once the eggs were whisked thoroughly I added some salt and pepper and evenly poured it over the rest of the ingredients.

I cooked the quiche for 25mins at 180 degrees so it was just set and had a slight wobble.


You could serve this with a lovely green salad to keep it nice and light or just tuck into it one its own.


We hope you all enjoy

Chloe + Charles